Proposed New 8 Unit Subdivision on North Ocean

The Cayucos Citizens Advisory Council wants to thank everyone for their comments on the Proposed 8 Unit Subdivision and we are asking you to keep them coming.  The response has been overwhelming and much appreciated.  

Because many of the questions required detailed responses from the developer, we originally requested that they be sent by September 15th to give the developer and county adequate time to answer the questions.  

Please continue sending your questions and comments to Jim Dantona (  Our next Cayucos Citizens Advisory Council meeting is on Wednesday, October 4th at 7:00 p.m. at the Cayucos School Cafeteria (and via Zoom).  As always, you can also ask your questions at this meeting.

We truly appreciate all of your concerns. 

Keep sending your questions and thoughts.

Link to the subdivision info:   Proposed New 8 Unit Subdivision on North Ocean